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Passing Data with Props

In this lesson, you'll learn how to pass data from parent components to child components using props. Props are a way to pass data down the component tree, enabling communication between different parts of your application.

Passing Props from Parent to Child

In the parent component, when you render the child component, you can pass data to it using attributes. For example:

// Parent component
render() {
return (
<ChildComponent message="Hello from parent!" />

In the child component, you can access the prop using this.props.

// Child component
render() {
return (

This will render "Hello from parent!" inside the ChildComponent.

Passing Complex Data

Props can be used to pass any type of data, including objects and functions. Remember to use curly braces when passing JavaScript expressions as props.

// Parent component
render() {
const data = { name: "John", age: 30 };
return (
<ChildComponent data={data} />